Be Kind {a note to students for this school year}

(Author’s note:  For many of us, our kids are starting the beginning of a new school year.  With a new year comes excitement mixed in with a bit of dread (especially when it comes to early wake-up times and homework).  This post is for all of the younglings (K-12th grade) who are beginning this new year of learning.)

Hey, Kids!  Good luck during this school year.  I hope you have a remarkable year of learning and friendship.  Give it you best!  Can I ask you something?  If you could do one thing that could change the world for better this year, would you consider it?  Well, here it is…


That kid that dresses a little out-of-style or in clothing that looks worn out, well he may be working a job after school to help put food on the table.

That girl who seems to shy away from groups or other social events, well she may be dealing with the emotional fallout of a parental divorce.

That little girl who seems to be a bit odd, well she may be carrying a dark secret about what is happening to her in the hours of the night when you are getting a restful sleep.

That boy who walks with a limp, well he may have overcome great odds to survive.

My mom used to say to me, “Kill them with kindness.”  I’ll admit that I failed time and again to do so, and there were plenty of opportunities to show kindness that I ignored.  The truth is that we really do not know what is going on in someone’s life until we listen, learn, and understand.  More than this, though, is the responsibility to be empathetic.  Yes, it is a responsibility, and you never know when you will need someone to be empathetic to you.

As a young person, you will make plenty of mistakes.  That is okay.  Mistakes are a way of learning how to navigate this crazy thing we call life.  You will have regrets.  You will wish for a do-over, but let me tell you, the one thing you will never regret is choosing kindness.

You never know…that kid with worn out clothing may end up being the best friend you ever had.  The girl who seems to shy away from groups could become the one person who shows you kindness when dealing with a hardship.  The little girl who seems a bit odd could be the very person who comes to your defense when you need it, and the boy who walks with a limp just might become one of our greatest leaders.

Lots of things come and go.  Fashion, music, popularity, etc all seem to sway with the tide, and they are not permanent.  Do you want to know what will make a permanent mark on one’s life?


Kindness doesn’t sway.  It doesn’t fade out or become unpopular.  It sticks with you, and it sticks to those you choose to be kind to.  Kindness matters.

Kiddos,  I challenge you to be the generation that is known for kindness.  Wouldn’t that be awesome?!  I think so.  After all, we adults can learn so much from you.


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